Words will be hard to find in describing
the amazing GLORY, CH. Gjnjah's Eternal Glitter.
To begin... Glory was "Winners
Bitch", "Best of Winners", and "Best Bred-By Exhibitor" at the 2005 TSCA National Specialty [New Mexico], at the age of 10
months. Thank you TS Breeder Judge Sandra Lidster for this great honor, and for recognizing our special girl!
Glory is a "one of a kind" Tibetan
Spaniel with a personality I would love to BOTTLE and sell. But, because you will probably never get to meet her in
person stay tuned to Glory's page so you can hear all about the achievements she's made in her new career of AKC AGILITY.
Glory is now owned and cherished
by her new mom, Jane Adams, in Austin, TX...just down the road so to speak, and QUEEN of the bed and pillows!
As many may know, Glory got a fairly
late start in this sport after producing her first and only litter at the age of 2.5 years old. Little did Glory
know she was destined for a new and exciting life, though I knew she was a gifted athelete from a very early age.
Thanks to her very talented owner/trainer [Jane], Glory has been handled with great care to her many successes
in agility. Old cliche...the rest is "history"!
Jane, thank
you so much for your love and hard work in bringing Glory to this new place in her life...I know she loves every minute
of it, and I know you do too.
Glory's other Non-AKC Agility
Open Versatility RS-N GS-N JS-N
*Glory is also a Therapy Dog~(;)) She has been a
member of Therapy Pet Pals of Texas since February 2009. Glory and Jane visit an assisted-living facility every
two weeks to give the old folks some special kind of love and attention. Glory is a favorite guest!
Look for Glory's
3 daughters on this site:
AM CH. Gjnjah's Forever Glory
AM CH. Gjnjah's Infinite Glory
Gjnjah's Endless Glory [GIGET] Major Pointed